RiZi (2022 - 20??) is a fun plunderphonic electronic music alias.

Each release attempts to describe the dichotomy between the happiness inside your head juxtaposed to the reality that surrounds you.

This project is very sample heavy, often mashing up dozens of songs together into one song.

This is for three reasons.

One, and probably the biggest one is that this way of creating music is a very unique process.

When making music "normally" (meaning not in the framework of extreme sample usage), I usually feels like there's a huge language barrier between what I want to make & how I feel versus what actually comes out in the end.

And while that element of fluidity is an interesting part of the process and the main reason I don't just do RiZi forever...

Sample-based stuff just feels more direct for me artistically.

Two, this way of making music is way more of a challenge and can lead to interesting situations that you just don't find yourself in normally.

Since what you're working with is usually full completed songs with, you end up having to carve out and search for what elements really catch your eye.

When listening to other people's stuff with samples, It's sort of like you're hearing firsthand what types of music appeals to them, as well as what musical elements bring them the most satisfaction. It can really tell you alot about a person if you think about it.

I just find that kind of thing really beautiful.

And lastly, I just really don't like copyright law that much.

I'd rather get a cease & desist in the mail than clear a sample once. (Which luckily hasn't happened yet)